Displaying posts by archives '2021'
What’s the Difference Between Botox and Dermal Fillers?
Microblading Contraindications
Fake Numbing Cream in the Market
What's the Difference Between Insulated RF Needles And Non-Insulated RF Microneedles?
RF Micro-needling is a relatively new type of skin rejuvenation treatment. It is also referred to as Fractional Radio-Frequency Micro-Needling; this type of treatment combines the benefits of Micro-needling with the collagen-boosting effects for the thermal effects of Radio Frequency energy. The treatment consists in inserting microneedles into the skin distanced a few mm between each other and delivering Radio Frequency energy into the skin for a few milliseconds.
There are two kinds of microneedles in the market, one is Insulated needles(Also called Semi-Insulated), the other is Non-insulated. Which one is Better?
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EZ Injector Hydrating Mesotherapy Skin Booster Set | EZ Injector+Hyaron*1box+30g Numbing Cream*1pcs+9pin Needle*5pcs+Hydrating Mask*5pcs
Regular Price: $360.00
Special Price $345.00