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Aug 06 ,2019 Writen By: Leading aesthetic device factory

BB Glow Treatment: The Real Secret to Flawless Skin

BB Glow Treatment

So imagine this: a perfect world. You wake up completely well-rested every morning (without an alarm!) with a ready-made breakfast waiting for you on the counter. Bedhead is a thing of the past, and you can eat all the chocolate you want without gaining a lb! And the best part of all? No makeup required! The skin is glowing and flawless, making the need for foundation, powder or concealer, completely void.

This might sound unrealistic, but it turns out that it’s actually not so insane, thanks to BB Glow treatment. The innovative procedure was first conceptualized in Korea and Singapore and has steadily been gaining popularity in the beauty industry worldwide.

What is BB Glow?

The procedure is relatively simple, but extremely effective when done by an expert. It involves, via the use of microneedling, a semi-permanent BB cream being inserted into the skin, for coverage that can last between six months to a year. The treatment is particularly effective at evening skin tone and correcting any discoloration caused by acne, photo-aging or age spots.

How does it work?

As previously mentioned, the BB Glow application process involves tiny needles pricking the skin and breaking down some of the bonds in the skin, with increases the skin’s collagen and elastin production, which in turn results in stronger, softer, more supple skin. This isn’t particularly innovative as it is the basis of any typical microneedling procedure. However, the next step, where the skin is then injected with a thin layer of BB cream—basically tattooing it into the patient’s skin—is what differentiates this treatment. The addition of this step, where semi-permanent makeup is used, results in an overall smoother, more beautiful complexion.

The process takes anywhere between an hour to several hours and like most microneedling procedures, there is a level of pain involved. Additionally, it is important to know that the first few times the procedure is done, the results will only last around a week. The BB Glow treatment requires several iterations before the results become more long-lasting. However, eventually once done consistently over time, many patients saw results that lasted upwards of six months.


So far, it is pretty clear why BB Glow facials have become so popular. Other than the fact that treatment really works, it can be a huge timesaver, eliminating the need in extensive foundation routines. That means more time to sleep in on mornings, and less spending money on expensive makeup products.

And in terms of skincare, the benefits of a BB Glow treatment are significant, including increased collagen production, a more even skin tone and radiant complexion, fewer fine lines, and wrinkles, as well as a minimized appearance of pores. Of course, like any procedure, there are some risks involved such as allergic reactions, however many of the risks to patients are minimized once a certified professional is the one performing the treatment.

This means there is basically no real reason why the BB Glow treatment shouldn’t become a part of your suite of treatments. While it is still a new treatment, the results have been proven and it would certainly pay to be ahead of the curve when it comes to offering clients cutting edge beauty technology and services.

Where to buy all the things for BB Glow treatment?

As previously mentioned, the BB glow treatment may need below products. You can click below to find detailed information.

1. Microneedling Pen

2. BB Glow Needle for Micro needling pen

3. BB Glow Serum

4. Numbing Cream.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything for BB Glow treatment.

Last Update 2019-06-18 13:36:53
Read 12835 Times
Published In Beauty tips
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