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Mar 07 ,2015 Writen By: Leading aesthetic device factory

How to use Derma Roller at home

Derma Roller treatment is widely approved by the customer from all over the world, but some of them doesn’t know how to use the Derma Roller correctly. Without proper instructions, derma rolling can damage your skin and trigger an infection. Do the treatments as the following steps provide here, and you will transform your skin to a better condition. Please read the article carefully.
Derma Roller treatment is widely approved by the customer from all over the world, but some of them doesn’t know how to use the Derma Roller correctly. Without proper instructions, derma rolling can damage your skin and trigger an infection. Do the treatments as the following steps provide here, and you will transform your skin to a better condition. Please read the article carefully.


1. A bottle of 75 %( or more) medical use alcohol, this is to prevent infection, you MUST sterilize the roller head BEFORE and AFTER the micro needling procedure.

2. A mask, after the treatment, we suggest you do a mask; this is to calm your skin.

3. Warm water and cleanser, to clean the target area totally.

4. One Derma Roller, you should choose the right needle length according to your purpose. Please see the following chart.

How to choose a Derma Roller Needle Length

1. Wash your hands and face or any area that needs treatment with warm water. Use a steam towel or a facial steamer which will open the pores and then apply normal skin toner on the skin.

2. Apply some gel or cream on the treatment area, for the sensitive patients, a topical numbing cream can be used. Application of cream anesthesia can prevent procedure pain and help in performing the procedure properly.

3. The Derma Roller should be used with short rolling movements, in orderly manner and without leaving a centimeter of skin without rolling. Homogeneity and uniformity of strikes, all performed with same strength and pressure on the device, will assure a smooth result. Follow 3 steps of needling to enhance the forming of the micro-channels. You have to roll in 3 directions on each area of your face: Horizontally, vertically, and diagonal around 7 to 15 times on each movement. Don’t roll twice on a previously treated area on the same session.

How to use Derma Roller

4. Apply a cool mask after a Derma Roller treatment. It has the effect of easing and eliminating post-therapy redness.

5. Use of a moisturizing serum is advisable, to help keep your skin moisturized and uses a sun blocking cream during 7 days after the procedure.

How to use Derma Roller 

How to Clean the Derma roller

Wash thoroughly your dermaroller unit with water. Brush away any residual debris after using it. Then soak about 5-8 minutes with 75 %( or more) alcohol, or use ultraviolet to disinfect for about 45 minutes. Do not use chlorine, autoclaves, steam and high temperature sterilization methods.

How to clean Derma Roller
Contraindications of Derma Roller System Therapy

Using a derma roller is not recommended for those with the following skin or general health conditions:

  • Those with active infections
  • Chronic skin disorders
  • Blood clotting problems
  • Poor healing
  • Skin malignancies
  • Active acne
  • Eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis
  • Severe solar keratosis
  • Raised moles or warts


  • Do not share the unit with other people
  • Do not roll too much more than indicated time. If treated skin shows hypersensitive response, consult with your doctor.
  • Keep the micro needle part always clean and dry, in well ventilated place at room temperature.
  • Store in a safe place out of the reach of children

Clinical Results


1~2 Weeks

5~10 Times


Anti-aging/Stretch marks

1~2 Weeks

5~10 Times



3~4 Weeks

3~5 Times


Atopic dermatitis

1~2 Weeks

3~5 Times



1 Week

5~8 Times



3~4 Weeks

3~5 Times


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July 2th, 2015

Last Update 2016-07-13 17:43:26
Read 29189 Times
Published In Beauty tips
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