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Jan 05 ,2021 Writen By: Leading aesthetic device factory

Microblading Contraindications

When operating ethically as a cosmetic tattooist, the choice of taking on a client is as important as them choosing you to perform the treatmen

When operating ethically as a cosmetic tattooist, the choice of taking on a client is as important as them choosing you to perform the treatment.

Every so often, those with contraindications or existing medical conditions may be quite insistent on an eyebrow tattoo. However, you will be putting their health at risk and damaging your brand if there is a poor outcome. The legal risks of having a problematic treatment is also something to remain vigilant of when taking on clients.

Understanding your client’s history is the best way to inform both parties about their suitability for microblading. This is best done through an ad hoc discussion as well as the completion of a detailed form.

Some of the most common factors to consider are:

- Current use of Retin A or active skincare ingredients such as alpha or beta hydroxyls

- Use of blood-thinning drugs or high-pressure medications

- History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring

- Certain ethnic groups are more prone to hyperpigmentation. This may fade over time, but it is important to flag early on with the client

- Allergies to ingredients in topical numbing creams, metals (such as Nickel), and latex in gloves

Microblading is not recommended for clients in these categories:

- Pregnant or nursing

- Botox or fillers in the brow or upper face area

- Diabetic or those with autoimmune disorders due to thinned blood and poor healing

- Taken Accutane in the past 1.5 years as the skin has not regulated

- Organ transplant as they may have compromised immune systems

- Chemotherapy in the past year

- Diseases or viral infections

- Epileptic as seizures may be induced by pain

Last Update 2021-04-30 20:24:46
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