Easy operation
1MHz bipolar RF with 3 level energy
Available use from 100V to 240V all around the world
Suitable for all skin type
Solve all aging skin issues with one machine
RF MINI video introduction
New RF MINI adopts intelligent Chipset system, it keeps the RF working within an intelligent mode, control the probe under a comfortable temperature, combines the 3 level RF energy, it creates a super comfortable treatment environment.
The genius double ring probes are made of high-quality stainless steel, RF energy will emit uniformly from the probe, makes it safe during the treatment. With two different size probes, both body and face can be used in all skin types.
New RF MINI adopts high-quality stainless steel probe, it's much advanced than the probe which plated on plastics or low-quality metal. It will not produce any harmful chemicals with Rf creams or other skin solutions. It's much more comfortable and safe.
1. Skin Lifting, Skin Tightening, and Skin whitening;
2. Beauty products and skin-effective drugs injection
3. Collagen stimulation and generation;
4. Wrinkle and Fine Lines removal;
5. Face and Figure restructuring;
6. Large pore shrinkage
Result (Before and After)
*Disclaimer: The photos on this website are not intended to represent the results every patient can expect. Treatment results can vary greatly from patient to patient. does not guarantee specific treatment results.
1. What should you do before the treatment?
Before your treatment, you should apply scream (like emulsion, essence) or Aloe gel for RF treatment. During the treatment, it is normal for you to feel warm against your skin.
I am sorry we don't provide any gel for the overseas market as they are liquid products which are not possible for air shipping. It's easy for you to purchase the ultrasound gel in your local. They are provided in the beauty shop or clinics.
2. What areas can be treated?
This machine can be used both on face and body. You can use the machine mainly on cheek, eye, forehead, lip, neck and acne scars, abdomen and waist.
3. What is precaution?
Do not be combined with other electrical appliances. Do not repair, disassemble or modify the Controller body yourself. Do not handle and removal of equipment code with wet hands. Do not drop or bump heads with hard objects. Do not fix long in the same area with equipment, must be rubbing slowly and continuously. Do not use parts of the uvula or eyes. Operate with Radio-frequency Cream.
4. Why should you use the gel?
The gel is to help smooth operation and better energy conduction. To achieve good treatments, you’d better use the gel before treatments.
5. How often can you have treatment?
As for the skin tightening and wrinkle removal treatment, the best interval period is 2 weeks because the growing circle of the epidermis is two weeks. Normally 10 sessions suggested for one course of treatment.
6. What effect do you expect?
After one treatment, the heated subcutaneous fiber shrinks instantly, therefore skin becomes smooth, compact and elastic. After one course of treatment; Skin becomes compact and flabby skin is improved.
Voltage | AC 100~240V 50/60Hz |
Materials | ABS plastic |
Package Size(cm) | 29*29*12 |
Gross Weight | 2.5Kg |
ODM&OEM | No |
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Excludes: special items such as gas or liquid.
Remote regions may cause extra for delivery to the door.
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Warehouse working time: 9:00 am~ 6:pm (Monday to Friday; GMT+8).
Please note: We DO NOT accept Credit Card payments for product value of a single unit over 1,500 USD.
If you are not happy with the order and the product, you can ask for a refund after receiving the package. Our customer support will assist you with it.
We do not add taxes, VAT, or any other hidden charges. You pay us what you see on your invoice, for example, Goods Subtotal + Shipping Costs (does not include duties). Please find out as much as you can about import taxes in your own country before purchasing an item. In special cases, you may need to pay import duties on certain goods. You can contact us for further assistance on any of this.
Product Questions
Total 5 question(s)
Will this machine give me just as good results as the Portable Fractional RF, the mini Thermage RF machine on your website?
I am looking to tone up my face and legs. Which machine would you recommend?
Question submitted by: Gina Pardy on: 2020-08-23 00:34:58
Hi Gina,
Yes, Both of them could do the same thing, we'd like to recommend the fractional RF machine if you have enough budget. It's more comfortable than the bipolar RF.
Answer submitted by: on: 2020-08-24 19:23:18
هل يمكن استخدام هذا الجهاز على منطقة الأرداف والمؤخرة لتخفيف الترهلات و السليوليت؟
هل هذا الجهاز مضر لمن من لديها ورم ليفي في الرحم اذا استخدم على البطن ؟م
Question submitted by: Haiosa on: 2019-08-25 01:17:42
يستخدم هذا الجهاز لشد الجلد وإزالة التجاعيد.
لا يمكن استخدامه للحد من الدهون وتحديد الجسم.
Answer submitted by: on: 2019-08-26 19:07:58
Dose this decvice use an ultrasound system?
Question submitted by: Vadel on: 2019-08-06 17:44:11
Hi Vadel,
Thanks for your inquiry.
It's not an ultrasound device, it's RF machine for skin tightening and wrinkle removal.
Answer submitted by: John Chang on: 2019-08-06 20:17:55
هل هذا الجهاز يعمل بالموجات فوق الصوتية ؟
Question submitted by: هياء on: 2019-08-06 05:23:09
إنها ليست جهاز الموجات فوق الصوتية ، إنها جهاز RF ، لذلك ليس لديها وظيفة الموجات فوق الصوتية
Answer submitted by: John Chang on: 2019-08-06 13:02:38
What are the contraindications? how soon can it be used , before or after microneedling?
Question submitted by: Pat on: 2019-05-14 23:14:03
Dear Pat,
Thanks for your inquiry.
For RF conraindications, you can google RF skin tightening contraindications and find it.
it's too more to list here.
Regarding the interval, normally once a week, or twice a week.
If you want to use it before micro needling that's OK.
After the micro needling, you can use the RF after the redness disappear.
Answer submitted by: on: 2019-05-15 01:08:40
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