The Mini Laser Hair Removal System (808nm) uses the same technology and principles as salon laser treatments across the globe, but unlike salon treatments the Mini Laser Hair Removal System (808nm) can be used in the privacy and comfort of your own home for fraction of the cost! Laser Hair Removal will never be the same again!
Save thousands of dollars as you will never need to visit a laser hair removal salon again!
- The most affordable laser hair removal device in the market.
- Diode laser imported from US.
- Long-lasting result without any downtime.
- Painless, fast, convenient and permanent hair removal treatment.
- The first product of its kind used by consumers in the comfort, convenience and privacy of their own home.
- Easy to use - simply set the laser to low, medium or high and place the nodule on your skin and activate the laser
All these features make the Mini Laser Hair Removal System (808nm) easy to use and so affordable! This product has yet to hit stores and is the only one of its kind on the market so buy online now!
Video Instruction
Waxing vs Laser Treatment
Even though there are endless choices these days in terms of hair removal units and procedures (shaving, plucking, waxing etc.), people tend to go for products that provide long lasting results and least painful experience. If you are looking at getting long lasting results you can either opt for waxing or laser hair treatments.
Laser hair removal is simply the most efficient way to remove unwanted hair on a permanent basis that is currently available. This treatment method involves using laser pulses with a specific level of light energy that can be absorbed only by the melanin surrounding the hair bulb. Melanin (skin pigment) in the hair is the logical target for this laser light and is most abundant in the hair bulb and not the epidermis of the skin. The resulting spike in temperature weakens the hair bulb and effectively destroys the growth cells.
But the biggest problem with laser treatment as a method of hair removal is possibly the cost. If you visit salon/laser treatment centers, it can cost anywhere from $500 per treatment session depending on the size of the area that is being treated and it generally takes more than 4 sessions to see visible results. And since 4-6 sessions are required at 2-3 week intervals the results may not be instantaneous.
On the other hand, using hot wax to remove hair is significantly cheaper that laser treatments and provides quicker results, but pouring hot wax over one’s body and ripping the hair out by its root is not for people who are intolerant to pain and whose skin tend to react badly to hot waxing.
Over all, whether it’d be laser hair removal or waxing, it takes a certain amount of treatments. Laser hair removal takes fewer treatments (compared to waxing) until you start to notice the desired results. While on the other hand, waxing may take longer until all the hair becomes finer but it is a lot cheaper by the session than laser.
For this reason we think the Mini Laser Hair Removal System (808nm) will be perfect choice for people who are looking for affordable near permanent hair removal solutions. The Mini Laser Hair Removal System (808nm) works the same way as salon treatments and provides near permanent hair reduction. The best thing about the Mini Laser Hair Removal System (808nm) is that you own it so you can use it again and again whenever you need in the comfort and privacy of your own home savings thousands on salon treatments.
The MINI LASER HAIR REMOVAL SYSTEM (808NM) is a diode laser hair eliminator manufactured on the basis of scientific research and up-to-date technologies. The 808nm wavelength is currently being used throughout salons worldwide for hair removal and has been proven to have average 80% effectiveness for permanent hair removal by world leading research institutes and universities. Even if the laser is not emitted directly on hair, it also has a hair removal effect by emitting onto the root of the hair through the skin because 808nm wavelength penetrates deep into the root of hair.
How it works
Hair growth cycle
The Hair cycle consists of three periods, growing period (about 3 years) called Anagen, resting period (about 2-3 weeks) called Catagen and shedding period (about 3 months) called Talogen. About 90% of hairs on our head are normally in the growing period, about 1% are in the resting period and 10-15% are in the shedding period.
Laser Hair Removal is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis, in which energy is delivered to the treatment area in such a manner as to maximize tissue damage to the hair follicle while sparing the skin and surrounding tissue. Melanin pigment makes a logical target chromophore, because it's most abundant in the hair bulb, which is believed to be the most important target for hair removal, much less abundant in epidermis, even in dark-skinned patients, and it absorbs well in the skin's "optical window" between 600-900nm.
Hair growth occurs in cycles throughout an individual's lifetime. Active hair growth is called Anagen, and the length of the anagen phase determines the length of the hair. Scalp hairs may remain in the anagen for up to 3 years. Hair follicles then enter Catagen, a phase of regression which lasts a few weeks. The Telogen, or resting phase, can last for months, depending inversely on the number of actively growing hairs in the area, ie. the scalp has a shorter telogen phase than the chest. As anagen resumes, the hair follicle lengthens, the bulb descends deeper into the skin, and the old hair shaft is gradually shed. In humans, individual hair follicles are more or less independent, with most hairs in anagen at any given time.
808nm diode laser
Mini Laser hair removal Device adopts the innovative 808nm diode laser technology, which is particularly effective to hair follicle melanocytes without injury surrounding tissue. The diode laser light can be absorbed by hair shaft and hair follicles in the melanin, and converted into heat, thus increasing the hair follicle temperature. When the temperature raises high enough to damage the hair follicle structure, it achieves the purpose of permanent hair removal.
The diode laser technology is widely used in professional and large hair removal salons and clinics for its effective result. Now it can be used and purchased for home use because of its affordable cost.
When the laser is absorbed by skin tissue, it generates thermal injuries on the skin tissue by transforming into heat energy. Thermal injuries of skin tissue dissolve the tissue with degrees over 100 and cause scars to arise from irreversible degeneration with degrees between 50 and 100.
Reversible regeneration is generated with under 50 degrees, and this makes the skin tissue possible to be restored into normal condition. The degree of thermal injuries incurred is determined by the wavelength of the laser, intensity of light, the time emitted, absorbing material and characteristics, etc. It is applied to surgical operations and can treat a variety of skin diseases without causing any side effects. The laser used for hair removal destroys the root of hair by emitting it on the hair or surroundings after being absorbed into pigment. The principal of laser hair removal is that the light energy emitted by the characteristic wavelength of the laser is selectively absorbed by the melanin pigment located in the hair follicles, and destroys the root of the hair by transforming into thermal energy.
Therapeutic Range
In order for the laser to work effectively one's hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Or in other words, the laser works best on individuals with dark hair and light skin. The best thing about laser hair treatment is it’s relatively painless (compared to waxing, as you will only feel slight zap when the hair follicle is being treated), and it provides near permanent hair removal. Near permanent as there is possibility that some hair may grow back eventually although it will always be less hairs the more session you have and you can shave between treatments and don’t have to wait for regrowth.
Which skin type can be used for it?
Suitable for all the skin except the skin type 6.
What areas can be treated?
Any area, except adjacent to the eye, where there is excess hair. The most common areas requested are the face, upper lip, neck, chest, periareolar, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line, and legs.
Body Site |
% Anagen (growing) hairs |
%Telogen (resting) hairs |
Duration of Telogen |
Follicle Density |
Depth of Follicle |
Scalp |
85% |
15% |
3 months |
350/ |
5-7 mm |
Beard |
70% |
30% |
10 weeks |
500/ |
2-4 mm |
Upper Lip |
65% |
35% |
6 weeks |
500/ |
1-2.5 mm |
Axilla (armpit) |
30% |
70% |
3 months |
65/ |
4-5mm |
Chest/Back |
30% |
70% |
3 months |
70/ |
2-5mm |
Breasts |
30% |
70% |
4 months |
70/ |
2-4mm |
Arms |
20% |
80% |
5 months |
80/ |
2-4mm |
Legs |
20% |
80% |
6 months |
60/ |
2-4.5 mm |
Bikini/Pubic |
30% |
70% |
3 months |
70/ |
4-5 mm |
- The Mini Laser Hair Removal System (808nm) is suitable for both men and women.
- It is so easy to use, no pre-treatment is required. Simply turn on the unit and adjust the laser intensity to suit your requirements and begin removing unwanted body hair!
- The most common areas are the face, underarms, legs, chest and back. Almost all parts of the body can be treated, however please avoid using it on the nipple and anal regions, this product is for external use only.
Result(Before and After)
Abouve picture is the result after only one treament, it is abvious. Following is the final result BA photos.
1. How does diode laser work?
Laser hair removal works by sending a beam of laser light to a group of hair follicles with enough power to disable or destroy the root, but not enough power to harm the surrounding skin. This process is called selective photo the rmolysis. It is selective because, it targets only the hair and not the skin.
2. What Can I See After Treatment?
- You can see skin has a little bit redness. It is normal and would be fading away in 1-3 days. Use mask/skin care product, it would be gone quickly.
- You can see hair removed in 1-2 seconds.
- Hair shall come back about 20-30 days. When hair regrows with 1-2cm, do the second treatment.
- Keep treating, after 2-3 times, hair comes back slower and slower. Some would not come back any more.
3. What Areas Can Be Treated?
The most common areas are the face, underarms, legs, chest and back. Almost all parts of the body can be treated, however please avoid using it on the nipple and anal regions, this product is for external use only.
4. How Many Treatments Are Necessary?
You may require multiple treatments for optimal long term results. The results will differ depending on the area you wish to treat, the hair density and the hair growth`s cycle and color. Usually 3-6 times treatment can gain maximum results.
5. What are Side Effects?
Slight reddening and local swelling of the skin, similar to sun burn is normal. These effects typically last up to 1-3 days.
6. Can It Be Used for Sensitive Skin?
Laser reacts only to dark hair so it doesn`t hurt normal color skin.
7. How long is the Lifetime?
The laser lamp is guaranteed 1,000 hours (about1800000 shots), up to 5,000 hours. It can last long time.
8. How Many Treatments Have to Be Treated A Time?
Each hair root can be zapped no more than 2-3 times in each session. You need to wait 2-3 weeks between sessions and ensure the hair is shaved or chippered a day or 2 before each treatment.
Laser Type | diode laser |
Spot Size | 1.5mm |
Wavelength | 808nm |
Working Mode | Continuous Wave Mode(CW) |
Repetition Frequency | 0.5Hz |
Energy Density | 10~30J/cm² |
Life of Handpiece | 1 800 000shots |
Focus Diameter | 1mm |
Output Power | 0~1.5W |
Voltage | AC 100~240V 50/60Hz |
Power | 10W |
Materials | ABS plastic |
Package Size(cm) | 25*23*13 |
Gross Weight | 1.5Kg |
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Importation duty: covers importation duty.
Excludes: special items such as gas or liquid.
Remote regions may cause extra for delivery to the door.
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Warehouse working time: 9:00 am~ 6:pm (Monday to Friday; GMT+8).
Please note: We DO NOT accept Credit Card payments for product value of a single unit over 1,500 USD.
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We do not add taxes, VAT, or any other hidden charges. You pay us what you see on your invoice, for example, Goods Subtotal + Shipping Costs (does not include duties). Please find out as much as you can about import taxes in your own country before purchasing an item. In special cases, you may need to pay import duties on certain goods. You can contact us for further assistance on any of this.
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