Hyaluronidase is a tissue modifier indicated as an adjuvant in subcutaneous fluid administration for achieving hydration, to increase the dispersion and absorption of other injected drugs, and in subcutaneous urography for improving resorption of radiopaque agents.
1. Evacuate undesirable hyaluronic corrosive filler ( melting filler)
2. Build the impact of PPC treatment for fat evacuation: blend 2 ampoules of PPC with 1 vial of Hyaluronidase.
3. LLD Treatment for fat evacuation (as PPC treatment)
How to Mix?
1. Draw up 10ml of water for injection or 0.9%normalsalinein a syringe
2. Reconstitute the hyaluronidase 1500IU with 1ml of the 10ml of normal saline or water for injection
3. Rotate the vial to ensure the powder is fully dissolved
4. Draw up the 1ml of hyaluronidase back into the syringe with the remaining 9ml saline or water for injection
thus giving a concentration of 150IU/ml. Each 0.01ml will then be 1.5IU of hyaluronidase. Once the solution is prepared, using a clean non-touch procedure, inject the hyaluronidase into the affected area in small aliquots using a 30 gauge needle for superficial injections and 27 gauge for deeper deposits. Administration should be extremely accurate and limited to the affected area. In the case of nodules, they should be injected directly, and for product that has been injected into the superficial dermis, injections should be placed immediately into and below the product. For vascular compromise, serial puncture should be used to inject hyaluronidase along the course of the vessel. The needle should be perpendicular to the skin and several injections are often necessary. During and after the procedure, we recommend massaging the treated area quite vigorously to optimise the result and aid mechanical breakdown.
- Those with hypersensitivity to hyaluronidase or any other ingredient in the formulation is not allowed to use this product
- Discontinue recombinant (hyaluronidase human injection) if sensitization occurs.
- Hyaluronidase should not be used to enhance the absorption and dispersion of dopamine and/or alpha agonist drugs.
- Hyaluronidase should not be injected into or around an infected or acutely inflamed area because of the danger of spreading a localized infection.
- Hyaluronidase should not be used to reduce the swelling of bites or stings.
- Hyaluronidase should not be used for intravenous injections because the enzyme is rapidly inactivated.
- Furosemide, the benzodiazepines and phenytoin have been found to be incompatible with hyaluronidase.
- Anaphylactic-like reactions following retrobulbar block or intravenous injections have occurred, rarely.
- Hyaluronidase should not be applied directly to the cornea. It is not for topical use.
Package List | 10 Vials Per Box; Each Vial contains 1500IU |
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Importation duty: covers importation duty.
Excludes: special items such as gas or liquid.
Remote regions may cause extra for delivery to the door.
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Warehouse working time: 9:00 am~ 6:pm (Monday to Friday; GMT+8).
Please note: We DO NOT accept Credit Card payments for product value of a single unit over 1,500 USD.
If you are not happy with the order and the product, you can ask for a refund after receiving the package. Our customer support will assist you with it.
We do not add taxes, VAT, or any other hidden charges. You pay us what you see on your invoice, for example, Goods Subtotal + Shipping Costs (does not include duties). Please find out as much as you can about import taxes in your own country before purchasing an item. In special cases, you may need to pay import duties on certain goods. You can contact us for further assistance on any of this.
Product Questions
Total 1 question(s)
Wich temperature is ideal for keep the product?
Question submitted by: Aline McGough on: 2019-01-12 04:07:41
Do not store above 25°C.
As for the ideal temperature, Store unopened vial in refrigerator at 2° to 8°C (35° to 46°F).
Do not freeze.
Answer submitted by: John Chang on: 2019-01-16 12:47:05
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